dijous, 20 de març del 2014


Hola, últimament us tinc una mica abandonats, però no m'he oblidat del blog :) estic reorganitzant la meva vida professional i alhora estic fent un curs/taller de màrqueting i comunicació organitzat per Superyuppies i al final del dia em queda poc temps per preparar les entrades. Mica en mica aniré trobant el ritme per tot!

Hello! I have you a little abandoned lately, but you're always in my mind! :) I'm reorganzing my professional life and at the same time I'm doing a Marqueting and comunication workshop organized by Superyuppies and at the end of the day I don't have much time left to wotk on my posts. Step by step, I'll find my way to organize everything! :)

Avui us presento la tassa de la Laura, heu descobert els retoladors per ceràmica? són una addicció, n'hi ha de diferents colors, pots fer el dibuix o decoració que vulguis, després poses la peça al forn i ja tens una super tassa personalitzada apta pel rentaplats, microones i tot! 

Here you have Laura's Mug, Have you discovered the pens for ceramic? they are an addiction to me! you can find them in lots of different colours, it's amazing to decorate a mug, plate or any ceramic surface, once dry you put it on the oven and you'll have an amazing unique pice suitable for the dishwasher and microwave.

Aquí només he utilitzat un retolador platejar sobre la tassa negra i m'encanta el resultat! :) quedem una tarda i en fem unes quantes?

Que tingueu molt bon dia!

Here i only used a silver ceramic pen ober a black mug and I love the result! :) Would you like to meet one afternoon and make come?

Have a wonderful day

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